Following Too Closely Ticket in Massachusetts
The violation of “Following Too Closely” is considered a minor moving violation in Massachusetts and will result in a surcharge. Known as a “Surchargeable Event,” a ticket for Following Too Closely will result in points on one’s driving record and insurance.
Often times, this violation is issued following a car accident. Being issued a “Massachusetts Uniform Citation” following an accident may result in a double surcharge. Therefore, it is important to appeal a ticket for Following Too Closely in violation of 720 C.M.R. 9.06(7) or 730 C.M.R. 7.08(15).
2 Surcharges From 1 Accident
In Massachusetts, a driver is assessed a surcharge if he or she is deemed to be more than 50% at fault in a car accident resulting in property damage. Likewise, a surcharge is also assessed for any moving violations – including Following Too Closely.
For example, if a driver is deemed at fault for a rear-end car accident and is also issued a ticket for Following Too Closely, the driver will incur 2 separate surcharges. Thus, having a ticket issued following an accident may have far reaching consequences. Further, depending on the operator’s driving record, it is possible for this situation to result in a license suspension. It is important to note that simply paying the ticket will be treated as an admission of guilt.
Appealing a Ticket For Following Too Closely in Massachusetts
The second paragraph on the back of the citation includes instructions for requesting an appeal for a civil infraction. Once you have sent in your appeal request, you will receive notice of a court hearing from the applicable District Court. The first hearing, known as a clerk magistrate hearing, may result in a disposition of the case. On the other hand, if the operator or the officer wishes to appeal the decision of the magistrate, the case will be set up for a Judge Appeal at a later date. At the Judge Appeal, the court will summons in the driver and the officer to testify in front of the judge. The Judge will then make a decision based on the oral testimony.
Massachusetts Flat-Fee Ticket Appeal Law Firm
If you have been issued a ticket for Following Too Closely in Massachusetts, contact our firm for a free of charge flat-fee case quote. Caselden Law handles all traffic ticket cases on a flat-fee basis. Attorney Caselden has assisted hundreds of individuals appealing tickets with great success in courthouses across the Commonwealth of Massachusetts.
As a client of Caselden Law, your Ticket Appeal Attorney will develop a well crafted defense strategy that is specifically tailored to the circumstances surrounding your case. We understand the importance of maintaining a good driving record for employment, insurance and many other reasons. Our firm will fully explain the process and will put you in the best position for success.
Contact Us for a No Obligation Case Quote. All Citations Are Handled on a Flat-Fee Basis.