Speeding in a Construction Zone Ticket in Massachusetts


Under Massachusetts General Laws Chapter 90 Section 17 (90/17/C), a police officer or state trooper may issue a ticket to a driver for the offense of “speeding in a construction zone.” While this type of Massachusetts Uniform Citation is similar to a straight speeding ticket, an experienced Speeding Ticket Appeal Lawyer will craft an argument that is specific to the offense of driving over the speed limit in a construction zone.

Under M.G.L. Ch. 90 Sec. 17, the fines for driving too fast in a construction zone begin at $100. The officer or Massachusetts State Trooper will also add an additional $20 for each m.p.h. in excess of 10 m.p.h. over the posted speed limit. Furthermore, the officer may list an additional $50 head injury surcharge and $5 public safety surcharge to the amount owed on the ticket.

Generally speaking, citations issued by the Massachusetts State Police or local police will inform the operator of his or her speed and also how the officer recorded the speed of the vehicle. Often times, the officer or Trooper will list the driver’s speed and check off one or more of the boxes to the right of the violation. Almost always, the officer will check the boxes “posted” and “estimated.” In addition to these boxes, officers will also check either:

1. Lidar;
2. Radar; or
3. Clocked.

As a client of Caselden Law, your Massachusetts Traffic Ticket Lawyer will fully explain the details of your citation and will carefully examine the ticket in order to assess any mistakes or inconsistencies that may assist in your defense.

What Should I do if I Received a Ticket for Speeding in a Construction Zone in Massachusetts?

In addition to the fines listed on the traffic ticket, speeding in a construction zone is considered a moving violation in Massachusetts. Thus, the citation will be treated by the MA Registry of Motor Vehicles as a “surcharge-able event” and points will be added to your license. Furthermore, a surchargeable speeding ticket will cause your insurance premium payments to increase for a number of years.

Given the costly penalties, increase in insurance premiums, and potential suspension of your driver’s license if you have received other violations in the recent past, it is important to speak with an experienced Boston, MA speeding in a construction zone appeal attorney about your situation.

In addition to contacting a lawyer about your traffic ticket appeal, it is imperative that one closely follows the instructions on the back of the citation in order to request a clerk magistrate hearing. Once you have signed the appropriate line on the back of the speeding citation, you must then send the ticket to the listed address with the required fee. Once your paperwork has been processed, you will receive a notice to appear for a clerk magistrate hearing at the applicable district court.

Greater Boston, MA Speeding Ticket Appeal Attorney


At Caselden Law, we handle all speeding ticket appeals on a flat-fee basis. If you have received a ticket for speeding in a construction zone, contact our law firm to speak with a dedicated Massachusetts Speeding Ticket Appeal Lawyer about your case. We would be happy to provide you with a free and confidential case quote.

Our firm prides itself on providing top quality and affordable legal representation to clients throughout the Commonwealth. We will be by your side during every step of the traffic ticket appeal process – including both the clerk magistrate hearing and Judge Appeal.

Contact our office for a free of charge case quote anytime. We handle all speeding ticket cases on a flat-fee basis.


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