A “Massachusetts Uniform Citation” is a ticket issued for a traffic violation by a police officer or Massachusetts State Trooper. While all Massachusetts Uniform Citations were previously hand-written, electronic citations are becoming increasingly common. A Massachusetts Uniform Citation may be issued for civil offenses, criminal offenses, or both.
Criminal Uniform Citations in MA
If the police believe that a criminal traffic offense has been committed, the officer will give the operator a Uniform Citation listing the criminal charge.
If the violation is criminal, the police officer will check the box toward the bottom of the ticket marked “CRIMINAL APPLICATION (See Instruction B on Back).” Criminal traffic tickets are handled differently than tickets for civil infractions such as speeding and must be addressed in court.
Convictions for criminal traffic tickets will result in a criminal record. Having knowledgeable legal counsel when facing criminal charges minimizes the impact that the situation may have on one’s future. At Caselden Law, we have successfully avoided criminal convictions for drivers facing criminal charges at both the Clerk Magistrate Hearing level and post arraignment.
Some of the more common Criminal Uniform Citations include charges for:
- Negligent Operation
- Driving to Endanger
- Unlicensed Operation
- Allowing / Permit Unlicensed Operation
- Driving with Expired or Revoked Registration
- Driving without Insurance
- Leaving the Scene of Property Damage
- Driving on a Suspended License
- OUI Marijuana
- Attaching Wrong Plates
In order to preserve your right to a Clerk Magistrate Hearing on an Application for a Criminal Complaint, the Criminal Massachusetts Uniform Citation must be filed with the District Court within 4 days. Therefore, it is vital that immediate action be taken.
At Caselden Law, our law firm defends all Massachusetts Uniform Citation Charges on a Flat-Fee Basis. We have successfully defended hundreds of clients facing criminal driving offenses in courts throughout the Commonwealth. Contact Our Office to speak with an experienced Massachusetts Defense Attorney and receive a free of charge fixed fee quote.
Civil Uniform Citations
If the violation is civil, the ticket will have a dollar amount listed and the box marked “ALL CIVIL INFRACTIONS (See Instruction A on Back)” will be checked.
In order to appeal the citation, a request for appeal must be made within 20 days. Once an appeal is requested and the filing fee is paid, the District Court will set a Clerk Magistrate’s Hearing on the Civil Infraction. The Clerk Magistrate Hearing is the first of 2 potential hearings. The second hearing, known as a judge appeal, takes place following an appeal of the Clerk Magistrate’s decision by the police or driver.
While there are a wide range of infractions that may be listed on a civil uniform citation, some of the more common offenses include:
- Speeding
- Failure to Yield
- Illegal U-Turn
- Marked Lanes Violation
- Following too Closely
- Speeding in a Construction Zone
- Failure to Remain Right
- Red Light Violation
- Expired Inspection Sticker
Often times, drivers do not realize the true impact of a civil uniform citation until after the ticket is paid. If the citation is paid or a responsible finding is entered by the court, the moving violation will go on your driving record and will result in an increase in insurance points and costs for 6 years in Massachusetts. Furthermore, an accumulation of “surchargeable offenses” may lead to a license suspension.
Given the impact of being found guilty of a moving violation on both insurance premiums and driving records, it is very often in the best interests of a driver to appeal the citation. At Caselden Law, our firm handles the defense of civil uniform citations in courts throughout Massachusetts. All civil traffic tickets are handled on a flat-fee basis. Contact our Boston Law Firm to receive a free case evaluation and Flat-Fee Case Quote.
Fighting Uniform Citation Charges in Massachusetts
When fighting Uniform Citation Charges in Massachusetts, having an experienced attorney by your side is often times invaluable. Whether you have received a uniform citation for a civil infraction or criminal misdemeanor, there is no substitute for quality advice from a skilled Traffic Ticket Defense Lawyer.
Caselden Law has successfully defended hundreds of Uniform Citation Charges in District Courts throughout Massachusetts. We are well versed in the traffic laws of Massachusetts and will carefully examine each piece of evidence being offered against you in order to achieve the best outcome possible.
All Massachusetts Uniform Citations are Handled on a Flat-Fee Basis.