Under Massachusetts Law Chapter 90 Section 23 and Chapter 90 Section 3, if a person has resided in Massachusetts for an extended period of time and drives without a valid driver’s license, the police may charge that person with “Unlicensed Operation of a Motor Vehicle.” Unlicensed operation is a misdemeanor criminal offense which will be heard by a District Court. Depending on the personal circumstances of the operator, the police may issue a Criminal Uniform Citation to a driver who has an international driver’s license, but does not possess a valid U.S. Massachusetts license.
Massachusetts Uniform Citation for Unlicensed Operation
If the police have probable cause to believe that the driver of a vehicle does not have a valid driver’s license in Massachusetts, the police will issue the driver a Massachusetts Uniform Citation for Unlicensed Operation of a Motor Vehicle.
Once a Massachusetts Uniform Citation is received, swift legal action is necessary. Unlike a civil speeding ticket, a traffic ticket listing a criminal offense must be filed in the applicable District Court within 4 days in order to request a Clerk Magistrate Hearing prior to arraignment. If action is not taken, the case will be immediately scheduled for an arraignment.
At Caselden Law, we understand the immediate steps that need to be taken in order to minimize the impact of being charged with a crime in Massachusetts. We will take action immediately after being retained and will clearly explain the necessary steps to avoid a criminal conviction and license suspension.
Unlicensed Operation Charges with Foreign Driver’s Licenses
If a non-resident has been living in the Commonwealth for an extended period of time, he or she will be required to obtain a Massachusetts Driver’s License. Therefore, it is possible for an individual with a valid foreign or international driver’s license to be charged with Unlicensed Operation if they did not obtain a license from Massachusetts.
As a client of Caselden Law, we understand the uncertainty and anxiety involved when individuals are charged with a criminal offense in the United States. Our firm is mindful of the immigration consequences of criminal convictions and have successfully handed numerous cases throughout the state involving unlicensed operation citations and foreign drivers.
Flat-Fee Massachusetts Unlicensed Operation Citation Defense Lawyer
At Caselden Law, our criminal defense law firm handles all unlicensed operation cases on a flat-fee basis. Our clients are clearly informed of the cost of representation up front and are provided top quality representation during every step of the process.
Contact our firm to speak with an experienced Massachusetts Unlicensed Operation Defense Lawyer about your case. All initial consultations are free of charge.