Leaving the Scene of an Accident – Crime Under MA Law
Under Massachusetts Law, Leaving the Scene of an Accident is a criminal offense. Generally speaking, these charges fall into one of the following categories:
- Leaving the Scene of Property Damage; and
- Leaving the Scene of Personal Injury or Death.
If you or a loved one has been charged with leaving the scene of an accident in MA, it is important to Contact an experienced Boston Defense Attorney about your case as soon as possible.
Leaving the Scene of Property Damage
The crime of leaving the scene of property damage is often brought following a “hit and run” accident. While one might often think of a hit and run situation as involving one car striking another while operating on the roadway, this crime often involves collisions with parked cars on streets and in parking lots. If the police conduct a crash investigation and determine that you caused property damage and drove away from the location, they may file an application for a criminal complaint with the applicable Massachusetts District Court.
In addition, a “Massachusetts Uniform Citation” listing the charge of leaving the scene serves as notice of a criminal offense. It is important to following the instructions on the back of the Massachusetts Uniform Citation. Furthermore, driver’s will be made aware of the charge if the “crim” box is checked to the left of the listed offense. If a driver receives a letter in the mail from the police regarding a request to appear for a “Crash Investigation,” it is important to contact a Boston Defense Attorney about your rights as soon as possible.
Flat-Fee Boston, Massachusetts Leaving the Scene Defense Law Firm
If you are under investigation or are being charged with leaving the scene of an accident, contact our Boston, MA Defense Firm for a free Flat-Fee case quote. Our firm specializes in motor vehicle defense representation. We will protect your rights and will be by your side throughout the entire process. It is important to act quickly as these charges often require swift action in order to best defend your case down the road.
At Caselden Law, we have successfully defended clients facing charges of Leaving the Scene in Courts throughout Massachusetts.
We Handle All Leaving the Scene Charges on a Flat-Fee Basis. Contact Our Firm to Receive a Free Case Quote.