Being accused of a crime in Massachusetts while attending college often raises unique legal issues. Frequently, when a college student is charged with a crime, the university or college will also initiate Student Disciplinary Hearings to determine if an expulsion, suspension, or other punishment will be handed down in addition to any punishments issued by the District Court.
Charged with a Crime While Attending College in Massachusetts?
While a criminal charge must always be properly handled with the student’s college administration in order to reduce or eliminate any impact on one’s future, college students must also carefully address the issue in court.
Having a Massachusetts Defense Attorney with experience handling cases involving college and university students is often times invaluable to those accused of a crime. As a client of our Boston Law Firm, your criminal defense lawyer will carefully examine the circumstances the incident and will challenge inadmissible evidence in order to achieve the best possible disposition.

Whether the crime occurred off campus or on campus, a criminal charge may be reported to the accused’s college or university.
As a college student in Boston or other Massachusetts town, being arrested by campus police or local authorities may cause an enormous disruption in one’s life. Not only will the charge likely lead to academic disciplinary action, you will also likely be formally charged with a crime in a Massachusetts courthouse.
Criminal charges take many forms in MA – from Criminal Traffic Citations to Felony Assault and Battery Charges. Depending on the nature of the offense, a college student may be arrested by the police or the student may receive a Summons in the mail from the District Court with a date to appear.
College Disciplinary and Student Conduct Violation Hearings
Whether the student is being charged with a misdemeanor or felony, having a criminal conviction on one’s record has the potential to greatly hinder future academic and employment opportunities. Even violations of the Student Handbook or Code of Conduct may result of student records, which may come up if the student is considering applying to graduate school or other post graduate program.
At Caselden Law, we will provide our clients with outstanding criminal defense representation not only in the courtroom, but also at any disciplinary hearings held by your college or university.
In light of the far reaching consequences of being arrested while in college, it is important to speak with a criminal defense attorney with experience in defending college students accused of crimes.
The Cambridge, MA criminal defense law firm of Caselden Law will work tirelessly to ensure that you receive the best possible outcome in court and with your academic institution. While our firm handles all criminal charges in Massachusetts District Court, some of the more common college crimes include:
- Minor in Possession of Alcohol
- Disturbing the Peace
- Negligent Operation of a Motor Vehicle
- Driving to Endanger
- Leaving the Scene of an Accident
- Criminal Citation
- Driving with a Suspended Driver’s License
- Driving an Unregistered Motor Vehicle
- Disorderly Conduct
- OUI / Drunk Driving
- Drug Crimes
- Assault & Battery
- Supplying Alcohol to a Minor
- Traffic Crimes
- Possession of a Fake ID
- Larceny
In addition to being arrested for a criminal offense, certain traffic violations, particularly criminal uniform citations, may also become an issue for college students. Often times, students face a license suspension or other restrictions as a result of traffic tickets or other driving offenses. These charges may affect not only students living in dorm rooms on campus, but also students who reside off campus or are commuters. If you are having issues with your license or have received a traffic citation, our firm will address the issue with the Massachusetts Registry of Motor Vehicles (RMV) and the applicable courthouse. Beyond the accumulation of traffic tickets, many criminal offenses may result in your license being suspended on top of any other punishment handed down by the court.
MA College Student Crime Defense Attorney
If you or a loved one has been charged with a crime on or off campus, Contact Our Firm to speak with a dedicated college crime Boston Defense Attorney about your case. During your free initial consultation with our law firm, we will explain the process in detail and will provide you with a no obligation quote for legal representation.
We understand that being charged with a criminal offense while enrolled in college can be a very difficult and stressful time. With these difficulties in mind, we will be by your side during every step of the criminal and college disciplinary process and will zealously advocate on your behalf. We will closely examine every piece of evidence being offered by the prosecution and will work with your college or university in order to achieve the best possible outcome in your case.
Flat-Fee Boston Criminal Defense Attorney
With very few exceptions, our firm defends all college and university crimes on a flat-fee basis. We provide you with a quote prior to engaging the firm in order to eliminate any uncertainly about the cost of hiring an attorney. The fixed legal fee for each case varies depending on the charges and the specific circumstances of the case.
All initial consultations are completely free of charge. Contact Us anytime to speak with a dedicated Boston College Crime Defense Attorney about your situation.
Flat Legal Fees. Fill Out the Contact Form Below to Receive a No Obligation Quote for Representation.